MSB brainstorming

12 November 2006

Shaun Belcher:
Greetings from Goldfactory Nottingham England

Greetings from GOLDFACTORY England.

I and fellow Godfactory member Paul Matosic have participated in original Sharkforum over past year and hope that some interaction across the three forums may be of interest to all.

Goldfactory Contemporary Arts

(provisional site until goldfactory official site set up)

Goldfactory forum


Mark Staff Brandl said...

Hi Shaun, welcome on board. Please whenever possible show more of your "cartoon" critical drawings. They are my absolute favorite artworks of yours. this one is great.

Trailer Star said...

no problem Mark I seem to have plenty of subject matter :-)

max (alex Meszmer) said...

That is the reason why we have to teach, Mark!

You should get a copy of that drawing, when you enter art scholl for the first time!

Congrats Shaun!
And nice to see, that there comes some input from outside, too!

max (alex Meszmer) said...

outside, that mighty tidy Heidi country (which I love) - I mean.

rattlebrained said...

I don't know... dying young seems more effective.

Great drawing Shaun!

max (alex Meszmer) said...

hmm, well but it seems, that this oppurtunity is gone for many of us...


rattlebrained said...

So true, never even noticed it when I missed the deadline ;-)

Mark Staff Brandl said...

I noticed the crossing-of-the-line --- but about 20 years late! I, however, DID make a painting about it!

Too Old to Die Young

max (alex Meszmer) said...

I know mark - and Im envious that you did it first!


anyhow - here mus be the reason that we all tend to mid/late careers...

you only can work successfull full time as an artists when you stopped your normal work and get your share...