MSB brainstorming

28 December 2020

Thomas Emil Homerin, My Great Friend, Passes Away (Th. Emil Homerin)


My greatest friend, from my whole life, died yesterday. Dr Thomas Emil Homerin. Born on the same day as I was, May 19, 1955, we were self-declared best friends from childhood till now. We have collaborated on numerous reviews, articles, comics, exhibitions, involving art and mysticism. Including, I did a painting to serve as the cover of his book 'Umar Ibn al-Fārid' for Paulist Press. He is most famous as a Professor and Chair of the Dept. of Religion and Classics at the University of Rochester, and taught classes on Islam, classical Arabic literature, mysticism, funerary symbolism, and more. 7 major books and too numerous, important essays to list. The most recent book, a real discovery, on the mystic woman, Aisha al-Ba'uniyya. He was a true genius, a good human with a big heart, and the hardest-working person I have ever met. The "Blue-Collar Scholar." I will add more thoughts later and a real eulogy. I am too heartbroken now and sad for his wife Nora. Bless his soul. Th. Emil Homerin, May 19, 1955 - December 26, 2020. God, I miss you already, Tom.
A tribute slide show video I made for hios memorial for at The University of Rochester, as I could not fly in due to the Covid situations.

1 comment:

Mark Staff Brandl said...

Here is a tribute slide show video I made for memorial for Th. Emil Homerin at The University of Rochester, as I could not fly in due to the Covid situations. My best friend ever. A wonderful scholar, thinker and human.